Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Quite Ironic: Topic of Family

Today in Sweeney's class, most people did not show up, but we did some pretty important stuff! ;) Kidding, don't freak out anyone. But we did brainstorm on the board all of the topics that relate to FAMILY. To everyone's surprise, this brainstorm on the board took much longer than the Pop Culture and Crime and Punishment topics. WE as a class chose to do the Family topic last, KNOWING that this paper would recieve the most credit. WOW GUYS, we could barely fill the board! Just kidding, but the brainstorming didn't just come as easily to us today. Perhaps it was because there were not as many classmates that attended today's class, or perhaps this topic is actually a tough one! Sweeney made a good point that it has to be an argumentative essay, and to keep our audience in mind. Family is a very controversial topic, considering everyone has one, and they are all different. I hope to see many good ideas flourish from this topic, maybe even some sentimental value in some of them! Ones that touch the heart, ya know? Unfortuantely, I have not chosen my topic yet but since this is our last paper AND it is about something that everyone is hopefully familiar with, I believe that I (As well as everyone else) will be enthused to write when we all land on something worth writing about.

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