Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Living Social

So, I have known about Living Social for a while now but I just finally gave in and downloaded the app. It may be the coolest app that I have on my phone now! How Living Social works is they have new coupons that you can purchase under "Today's Deals" everyday! For instance you can spend only $15 on Living Social and spend $30 at a restaurant with the voucher that you print off or simply have the bar code to scan on your phone! I know this is terrible, considering I am broke! But for Christmas and stuff, they have tons of massages, chiropractic work, plants, phone cases, you name it! I have already purchased my little brother's birthday present on there & it shipped to my house for free! You can find ANYTHING including trips and excursions on Living Social, for example a 2-night stay in DC at the Atlantic City Casino for almost half the price as if you just went into the casino and purchased a 2 night stay. I want to believe that it is a way to save me money, BUT the downfall is that in one-click of a button I can purchase these great deals that I see on my phone. This flamboyant spending is NOT what I needed, but I think I am addicted.


  1. My mom uses this app and she loves it! She finds great deals all the time. She even got a discount on some dental work one time. There is also another app she likes called "Retail Me Not". You should check out that app! They have great discounts for online and in stores/restaurants!

  2. Just downloaded this app thanks to you! It sounds so cool and I'm always down for saving money! I heard about it before but I never knew what it was about until now! Thanks :)

  3. I just downloaded this app today ! I haven't tried it yet, but from what you told me and the sounds of it I might become an addict too ! lol but thanks girl!
