Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Smart Phones

This world is changing drastically, and fast. With all of the technology to get things done from a simple email, to turning on your car, to turning on a fire in your home, listen to music, tv, and even cash checks with smart phones, they are just doing it all these days! They are taking over! Have you ever wondered what it would be like if we did not have all of this technology and communication 24/7 by juggling Facebook with family, Twitter with friends, and Instagram for the fun of it? I know that if I am ever in a time where I cannot have my phone for some reason (ex. bill needs to be paid, phone breaks, etc.) that I am actually SO MUCH less stressed out without the constant vibe or notification sound every second of the day. People used to live so much simpler lives, and appreciated the little things. I realize that America is evolving, but are we actually putting our values into question when a son sends his mother a text for mother's day, instead of just calling? To keep up with this fast pace environment that we live in, of course these smart phones enable us to get things done quicker. But is this the answer?

Living Social

So, I have known about Living Social for a while now but I just finally gave in and downloaded the app. It may be the coolest app that I have on my phone now! How Living Social works is they have new coupons that you can purchase under "Today's Deals" everyday! For instance you can spend only $15 on Living Social and spend $30 at a restaurant with the voucher that you print off or simply have the bar code to scan on your phone! I know this is terrible, considering I am broke! But for Christmas and stuff, they have tons of massages, chiropractic work, plants, phone cases, you name it! I have already purchased my little brother's birthday present on there & it shipped to my house for free! You can find ANYTHING including trips and excursions on Living Social, for example a 2-night stay in DC at the Atlantic City Casino for almost half the price as if you just went into the casino and purchased a 2 night stay. I want to believe that it is a way to save me money, BUT the downfall is that in one-click of a button I can purchase these great deals that I see on my phone. This flamboyant spending is NOT what I needed, but I think I am addicted.

Legalization of Marijuana Bills PASSED

I know this is a TAD late, but OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS THIS IS AMAZING. On November 7th when Obama got reelected as president, there was also some great news given to the US that night. This news was that Colorado and Washington passed the bill to legalize Recreational use of marijuana in their states! Not to mention, Massachussetts passed their bill to legalize Marijuana for medicinal use. This is a major stepping stone for our country. Some have other opinions, everyone does, but watch these states excel over the next few years money wise. Taxing marijuana could be the answer the our prayers these days. Everyone needs to admit that the United States is not as conservative as we used to be, and in these hard times maybe we should be more open minded on how to fix all of the money and criminal issues that the legalization bill may aid. Overtime, I know that more states will join in and vote to pass this law in other states. It is sad to say that Virginia will most definitely be LAST. Just my opinion of course. But this is why I would LOVE to move out of the commonwealth and actually have some freedom at last ;)
NEXT STOP: Boulder Colorado!

Quite Ironic: Topic of Family

Today in Sweeney's class, most people did not show up, but we did some pretty important stuff! ;) Kidding, don't freak out anyone. But we did brainstorm on the board all of the topics that relate to FAMILY. To everyone's surprise, this brainstorm on the board took much longer than the Pop Culture and Crime and Punishment topics. WE as a class chose to do the Family topic last, KNOWING that this paper would recieve the most credit. WOW GUYS, we could barely fill the board! Just kidding, but the brainstorming didn't just come as easily to us today. Perhaps it was because there were not as many classmates that attended today's class, or perhaps this topic is actually a tough one! Sweeney made a good point that it has to be an argumentative essay, and to keep our audience in mind. Family is a very controversial topic, considering everyone has one, and they are all different. I hope to see many good ideas flourish from this topic, maybe even some sentimental value in some of them! Ones that touch the heart, ya know? Unfortuantely, I have not chosen my topic yet but since this is our last paper AND it is about something that everyone is hopefully familiar with, I believe that I (As well as everyone else) will be enthused to write when we all land on something worth writing about.

What's up with this weather VA?

Alright so it is kind of freaking me out that we just had a hurricane.... that brought SNOW, as well as much devastation. (Luckily Richmond did not get so much damage from Sandy) But in general, yesterday my phone said that the temperature outside was 76* but TODAY on the other hand, my phone reads something like 46* ! WHAT?! This weather is completely unpredictable and quite frankly, I'm over it. Yesterday it didn't even feel like it was almost Thanksgiving and now today it feels like we are in the middle of winter PLUS with rain! Such a bummer. It is really throwing me off, and I do not like this sudden change. I'm not a completely religious person but not being able to predict the weather is actually written in stories in the bible, I want to say in the book of Revelation. I'm not sure if any other religions have this stuff documented but this weather issue, as well as many other issues of course, I believe are foreshadowing our future. I'm not usually a dark person, but I do believe that we are living in terrible times. I'm pretty nervous of what the future may bring.